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Čítač SuperUser Michael Stum sa chce dozvedieť, či môže byť pevný disk označený ako neodstrániteľný:
I have replaced the DVD drive in my laptop with a SATA hard drive, which works well. However, Windows believes that the hard drive is removable and lists it in the “Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media” popup, or for any applications that show a list of removable drives.
Is there a way to make Windows treat (designate) the hard drive as a non-removable/fixed hard drive?
Môže byť pevný disk označený ako neodnímateľný?
Príspevok SuperUser Carrein má pre nás odpoveď:
I tested this on Windows 10 with a standard issue Microsoft chipset.
- Launch regedit
- Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesstorahciParametersDevice, create a new REG_MULTI_SZ entry and label it TreatAsInternalPort
- In the Values Box, enter the port values that you would like to mark as non-removable (i.e. enter “0” for Port “0”, etc.)
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Image Credit: Glenn Batuyong (Flickr)