Google Chrome - Dôvod za jeho meno odhalil!

Google Chrome - Dôvod za jeho meno odhalil!
Google Chrome - Dôvod za jeho meno odhalil!

Video: Google Chrome - Dôvod za jeho meno odhalil!

Video: Google Chrome - Dôvod za jeho meno odhalil!
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Prečo je Google Chrome, Chrome? Nie. Nie prečo je to prehliadač. To by mohlo byť tu najviac absurdná otázka. Prečo je prehliadač Chrome s názvom Chrome !? Pre neznáme sa prehliadač Google Chrome stalo náhodou, podobne ako veľa skvelých vynálezov v minulosti. A odvtedy prešla popularita.


Čo ak sa v tvojej hlave objaví tá istá otázka:Aký je dôvod za názvom prehliadača Chrome? Hlúpe, ale dobrá otázka.

No, máme odpoveď od Glen Murphy, Design Lead, Google Chrome. Podľa jeho slov,

We had a ‘pick a codename’ vote early in the development cycle – the names that came of that competition were so terrible that we were all pretty happy when one of the leads overrode it and declared that the codename would be ‘Chrome’, presumably because he likes fast cars. When it came time to pick a real name for the product for shipping, we stuck with ‘Chrome’ because:

• During development, we’d all come to love the product deeply, and new names had a hard time breaking and bettering the associations we’d already formed with the codename.

• As our lead did, people associated it with speed – shiny fast engines and cars.

• In design terminology, ‘chrome’ refers to the non-webpage parts of the browser’s interface – the toolbars, tabs and buttons – because our design philosophy was “Content, not chrome” – putting our focus on minimizing the amount of browser UI present, we felt it cheekily appropriate to name the browser Chrome.

Also, I personally like it because of its relation to ‘chroma’ and ‘chromatic’ – I love the cacophony of colors that those words imply, and how that relates to the beautiful range of design across the web.

Trojročný starý prehliadač Google Chrome je v súčasnosti vo svojej 13. verzii.

Osobne po prehliadači Internet Explorer je prehliadač Google Chrome prehliadač pre mňa. Stiahnite si Google Chrome. Bude sa vám to páčiť!

Za jeden alebo dva dni vám poviem, prečo bol Safari prehliadač nazvaný Safari, tak zostaňte naladení!
