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Čítačka SuperUser Vlastimil chce vedieť, ako definovať funkciu PowerShell, ktorá vyžaduje nadmorskú výšku:
Since I cannot find any alternatives to Linux’s sudo elevation command, I have the following question. How do I define a PowerShell function that requires elevation, as in activating a UAC prompt on my Windows 8.1 Pro, 64-bit system? For example, say I run the following function:
To be completely clear, if I run PowerShell as “user”, then run the aforementioned function system-check, I want the function to elevate in order to be able to execute the command (I want the UAC prompt to appear).
Ako definujete funkciu PowerShell, ktorá vyžaduje zvýšenie?
Sprostredkovateľ SuperUser Ashton má pre nás odpoveď:
To run a specific command from an elevated window:
A function to return $True or $False if the current window is running with elevated permissions:
In PowerShell v4.0, the above can be simplified by using a #Requires statement:
Source: Run with Elevated Permissions [SS64.com]
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