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Čítačka SuperUser Steven Vascellaro chce vedieť, prečo je tlačidlo Advanced tabs (Nahrávanie atribútov) niekedy nahradené archívom:
Sometimes, when viewing a file or folder’s properties, I see an Advanced Button displayed under Attributes.
At other times, the Advanced Button is replaced by an Archive Checkbox.
Why do file attributes sometimes display an Archive Checkbox instead of the Advanced Options Button?
Prečo je tlačidlo pokročilých atribútov niekedy nahradené archívom?
Sponzor SuperUser Steven Vascellaro má pre nás odpoveď:
The Advanced Dialog is shown only if the file or folder is stored on a drive that supports compression and/or encryption.
If the volume does not support either compression or encryption, then the Archive Checkbox will be shown instead.
FAT file systems do not support compression or encryption, meaning that the files will display the Archive Checkbox. NTFS file systems do support compression and encryption, meaning that the files will display the Advanced Button.
Source: Why do my file properties sometimes show an Archive check box and sometimes an Advanced button? [Microsoft Developer Blog]
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