Aký je rozdiel medzi veľkosťou a rozlíšením v systéme Windows?


Aký je rozdiel medzi veľkosťou a rozlíšením v systéme Windows?
Aký je rozdiel medzi veľkosťou a rozlíšením v systéme Windows?

Video: Aký je rozdiel medzi veľkosťou a rozlíšením v systéme Windows?

Video: Aký je rozdiel medzi veľkosťou a rozlíšením v systéme Windows?
Video: Ethernet Adapter Settings and Shortcut - YouTube 2024, Smieť
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Čítačka SuperUser Szybki chce vedieť, aký je rozdiel medzi škálovaním a rozlíšením obrazovky v systéme Windows:

I have discovered, much to my disappointment, that changing the percentage scaling in Windows (125, 150, 175, etc.) actually changes the screen resolution. What is the functional difference between adjusting the scaling factor and just changing the screen resolution?

Aký je rozdiel v rozlíšení a rozlíšení obrazovky v systéme Windows?


Príspevok SuperUser gronostaj má pre nás odpoveď:

Resolution is the number of pixels rendered on your screen. Scaling is how much everything should be enlarged when measured in pixels.

For example, with a halved resolution, things will still be the same size in pixels, but each pixel will be twice as large. With 200 percent scaling, pixels will be the same size, but things will occupy twice as many pixels in both dimensions.

Decreasing the resolution makes everything bigger just like scaling, but:

1. Unlike scaling, it also makes pixels bigger (because your physical screen has a fixed size), so less detail can be shown when rendering photos, for example.

2. LCD screens have fixed native resolutions and images look the best when the system-configured resolution matches it. Using a lower resolution forces the screen to interpolate pixels (attempt to approximate a lower resolution with its native-resolution pixels) and negatively affects the quality of images.

3. When a computer has more pixels to work with, it can make the edges with contrasting colors crisper. This is mostly noticeable when rendering fonts, but it is also the reason why gamers want to play using the highest resolution possible, even if changing it does not actually help them see more at once. Here is the word “resolution” rendered in a 20 pixel font (bottom) and a 10 pixel font (top) resized to keep the physical size, just like when you are using a lower resolution:


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