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Čítačka SuperUser IAmJulianAcosta chce vedieť, či je lepšie používať kanál s Wi-Fi s vyššou frekvenciou:
Today I had to call tech support to have my Wi-Fi channel changed because it was using channel 7, but the guy on the phone told me that channel 1 was “less powerful” than channel 11. He suggested that I use channel 11.
Using a Wi-Fi analyzer app, I discovered that channel 1 is the least used one in my building, so I ignored his recommendation and asked for channel 1. Was he right? Is channel 11 better?
Je lepšie používať kanál s Wi-Fi s vyššou frekvenciou?
Dodávateľ SuperUser Mokubai má pre nás odpoveď:
Channel numbers do not denote power “levels”, so channel 11 is not “better” than channel 1 simply because it is ten digits higher. Wi-Fi does have overlapping channels though, which means that devices do not “want” to be on a channel that is too close to another nearby station’s channel.
For the best results and interoperability (least interference), there are only three channel choices: channel 1, channel 6, and channel 11. Here is an image showing why:
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Image Credit: Syntéza Studios (Flickr)