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Používateľ čítačky SuperUser user110971 chce vedieť, ako udržať heslá neviditeľné pri spustení príkazu ako argument SSH:
If I run this command and start typing the MySQL password, the password is visible on the screen:
ssh user@server ‘mysql -u user -p’
How can I prevent this? If I log in through SSH and execute the MySQL command, then everything works fine.
Ako môžete zachovať heslá neviditeľné pri spustení príkazu ako argument SSH?
Sponzor SuperUser Toby Speight má odpoveď pre nás:
If you provide a remote command to run, SSH does not allocate a tty, so the remote command is unable to disable echo. You can force SSH to provide a tty using the -t option:
ssh -t user@server ‘mysql -u user -p’
The equivalent option (for -o or for the config file) is RequestTTY. I would caution against using it in the config file because it can have unwanted effects for non-interactive commands.
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Image Credit: Linux Screenshoty (Flickr)