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Foto je s láskavým dovolením Phil Parker (Flickr).
Čítačka SuperUser MathMajor chce vedieť, ako vytvoriť rovnomerne rozmiestnené písmená pre formuláre v programe Microsoft Word:
I was not sure how to describe this without a picture, so here is what I have in mind:
Ako vytvoríte rovnomerne rozmiestnené písmená pre formuláre v programe Microsoft Word?
Sponzori SuperUser Atzmon a Wilson majú odpoveď pre nás. Prvýkrát, Atzmon:
You can create a table that includes the label and all the letter slots, then set the appropriate widths and borders as desired. For example, suppose you want nine letter slots:
- Create a table with one row and ten columns
- Set the width of the leftmost column wide enough to hold your label (3.5 centimeters, for example)
- Set the width of the other nine columns to 0.5 centimeters
- Remove the top, left, and bottom borders from the left cell (first column)
- Remove the top border from the other nine cells
And there you have it:
The advantage of this method is that the user can move from cell to cell using the Tab Key, but cannot accidentally break the structure.
Nasledovala odpoveď od spoločnosti wilson:
If you want the vertical lines to have half of the “normal” height, you can split the cells into two rows, have the label span across two rows, and set no border for the first row. The outcome will be quite similar visually to the image provided by MathMajor.
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