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Program pre učenie čitateľov SuperUser chce vedieť, či je ATA rovnaká ako IDE / PATA alebo SATA:
I was taking a look at an HDD and I found a document from Toshiba (link: 2.5-Inch SATA HDD – PDF) that says:
Drive interface: Serial ATA, Revision 2.6 / ATA-8
I know that SATA uses a SATA interface and ATA uses an IDE interface, but why is it using different “terms” in the same sentence? An HDD has either a SATA interface or an IDE interface, but not both at the same time.
Je ATA rovnaká ako IDE / PATA alebo SATA?
Dodávateľ SuperUser Mokubai má pre nás odpoveď:
Serial ATA is the connection/connector interface while ATA-8 is the protocol for that interface. IDE was the interface and it also used an ATA protocol for communication. IDE and ATA are not the same thing, just as SATA and ATA are not the same either.
To be clear, IDE defined that a hard drive should have Integrated Device Electronics (I.e. a controller) onboard and communication with the host should be done according to the ATA specifications. While IDE and ATA are very closely related, they are not the same thing.
IDE has been reverse-acronymed as PATA since the interface was a parallel connection using the ATA standard. SATA is a Serial ATA connection.
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