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Čítačka SuperUser AngryHacker chce vedieť, ako Windows 10 fungovať s kapacitou 32 GB na disku:
There are a number of sub $200 Windows 10 laptops that only have 32 GB SSD hard drives in them (like the Lenovo 100s and HP Stream 13, for example). Given that the Windows directory itself is over 32 GB on my regular laptop, how do these laptops even function? Is there any space left over to store anything? Would I have a hard drive that ran out of space soon after starting to use it?
Ako funguje systém Windows 10 s kapacitou disku 32 GB?
Príspevok SuperUser magicandre1981 má odpoveď pre nás:
Windows 10 uses CompactOS, which compresses Windows files to make them smaller:
Compact OS installs the operating system files as compressed files. Compact OS is supported on both UEFI-based and BIOS-based devices. Unlike WIMBoot (because the files are no longer combined into a single WIM file), Windows update can replace or remove individual files as needed to help maintain the drive footprint size over time.
This can be done automatically by Windows 10 setup or by manually applying an image:
DISM.EXE /Apply-Image /ImageFile:INSTALL.WIM /Index:1 /ApplyDir:C: /Compact:ON
Or in a running Windows 10 system via this command:
COMPACT.EXE /CompactOS:always
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