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Čítačka SuperUser Jay chce vedieť, prečo je predvolená veľkosť výstupného vyrovnávacej pamäte Windows Command Prompt taká veľká:
I have been using the Command Prompt in Windows for a while now and just realized that there are several pages worth of empty lines below the text entry prompt. Why is that?
Prečo je predvolená veľkosť výstupného vyrovnávacej pamäte Windows Command Prompt taká veľká? Môže byť jeho veľkosť zmenená?
Sponzori SuperUser Steven a miltonb majú odpoveď pre nás. Po prvé, Steven:
The “empty lines” are the rows of screen buffer that have not been filled with output yet. To change the screen buffer size from the default of 300 lines (Microsoft’s chosen default), perform the following steps:
- Open the Windows Command Prompt
- Right-click on the application’s icon in the upper left corner of the window
- Click on Properties in the drop down menu
- Select the Layout Tab
- Set the Screen Buffer Size (Height Listing) to 20
- Click OK
Note: I recommend reverting the buffer size to something larger since 20 lines is not much in the way of displayed output.
Nasledovala odpoveď od miltonb:
I know that this is not the “why” with regard to your question, but if you want to change the screen buffer size from within a Command Prompt window (or batch file), you can make use of the mode command (mode columns, lines). I regularly use this from within the command prompt:
mode 200, 300
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