Dnešná relácia otázok a odpovedí sa k nám pridelí zdvorilosťou SuperUser - podskupiny Stack Exchange, skupín webových stránok týkajúcich sa otázok a odpovedí.
Čitateľ Superuser Zequez je zvedavý, ako sa zdá, že jeho uzol Wi-Fi funguje tak hladko a prečo sa zdá, že údaje sa zrazia, píše:
I mean, I know each packet is sent with a MAC address, but what about streaming?
What happen if while the router is receiving one packet, a packet from another device arrives?
How can the router knows that the photons colliding into the antenna are part of the first packet or the second packet?
Or is it that the speed of light is so fast that this almost never happen and the packets are just reported as corrupt and are sent again?
Čo udržuje všetky tieto bezdrôtovo dodávané pakety v poriadku? Poďme trochu hlbšie.
Pomocník SuperUser Ultrasawblade ponúka nasledujúcu odpoveď s užitočnými odkazmi na ďalšie čítanie:
In a wireless network, only one device is actually “speaking” at once. Each other device listens and waits for the air on that channel to be quiet before speaking. This technique is called carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA).
An RTS/CTS exchange helps all the nodes stay in sync efficiently by providing a way for one node to say “hey, I’m going to talk for this long so wait this long” to every other node.
@Petr Abdulin is correct but I think all Wifi networks use CSMA/CA. Old 10BaseT non-switched wired networks relied on carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD). Collisions don’t happen on networks where all nodes are connected to a switch.
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