Ako urobíte klávesy Shift, Ctrl a Alt Prepínať ako Caps Lock?


Ako urobíte klávesy Shift, Ctrl a Alt Prepínať ako Caps Lock?
Ako urobíte klávesy Shift, Ctrl a Alt Prepínať ako Caps Lock?

Video: Ako urobíte klávesy Shift, Ctrl a Alt Prepínať ako Caps Lock?

Video: Ako urobíte klávesy Shift, Ctrl a Alt Prepínať ako Caps Lock?
Video: Word - Ilustrácie - Obrázky - Ako do Wordu pridať obrázky a ako s nimi pracovať - YouTube 2024, Smieť
Či už ide o zdravotné postihnutie alebo osobné preferencie, niekedy je potrebné z klávesnice vytlačiť nejaké unikátne funkcie. Ale ako to urobíte? Dnešné príspevky typu SuperUser Q & A majú odpoveď, aby pomohli čitateľovi v núdzi.
Či už ide o zdravotné postihnutie alebo osobné preferencie, niekedy je potrebné z klávesnice vytlačiť nejaké unikátne funkcie. Ale ako to urobíte? Dnešné príspevky typu SuperUser Q & A majú odpoveď, aby pomohli čitateľovi v núdzi.

Dnešná relácia otázok a odpovedí sa k nám pridelí zdvorilosťou SuperUser - podskupiny Stack Exchange, skupín webových stránok týkajúcich sa otázok a odpovedí.

Snímka s ukážkou od Jamesa (SuperUser).


Čítačka SuperUser DesVal chce vedieť, či existuje spôsob, ako urobiť smena, ctrl, a alt prepínať klávesy Zámok veľkých písmen:

I am unable to use one of my hands, so it is pretty hard to work with Photoshop and Illustrator. Is there a way to make the Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys toggle like Caps Lock instead of holding them down?

Existuje spôsob, akým to môže systém DesVal urobiť v systéme Windows?


Príspevky SuperUser James a jcbermu majú odpoveď pre nás. Prvýkrát, James:

Windows has a built-in feature called Sticky Keys for holding down one or more of the following modifier keys: Shift, Ctrl, Alt, and Win.

When the feature is activated, you only need to briefly press one of those keys and it will act like it is being held down until you press a normal key or click the mouse. To prevent mouse clicks from releasing the modifier key, you can press the relevant key twice to lock it.

Sticky Keys can be activated either by pressing the Shift key five times in quick succession or by going to:

Control Panel -> Ease of Access Center -> Make the keyboard easier to use -> Set up Sticky Keys


Nasledovala odpoveď od jcbermu:

That is a feature called Sticky Keys. To enable it:

Open Control Panel and make sure that you are in Classic View with all Control Panel icons showing. If not, go to the left pane of Control Panel and open Switch to Classic View by pressing Tab and then Enter.

Open Accessibility, and in the Accessibility Options dialog box on the Keyboard Tab, select the Use Sticky Keys check box.

Press S for Settings. The settings for the Sticky Keys dialog box will open and you will have the following options:

  • Press U to select the Use shortcut check box. This will allow you to turn Sticky Keys on or off by pressing the Shift key five times.
  • Press P to select the Press modifier key twice to lock check box. This will allow you to lock a modifier key, such as the Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or Win key if you press it twice in succession.
  • Press T to select the Turn Sticky Keys off if two keys are pressed at once check box. This will allow you to turn off Sticky Keys when a modifier key such as the Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or Win key and another key are pressed simultaneously.
  • Press M to select the Make sounds when modifier key is pressed check box. This will allow you to play a tone that indicates when a modifier key such as the Shift, Ctrl, Alt, or Win key is pressed, locked, or released.
  • Press S to select the Show Sticky Keys status on screen check box. This will display a Sticky Keys icon on the taskbar when the Sticky Keys feature is turned on.

That is all you need to do.

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