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Foto s láskavým dovolením blaughw (SuperUser).
Čítačka SuperUser Lucas Kauffman chce vedieť, či existuje spôsob, ako zakázať tlačidlo myši TrackPoint v systéme Windows na svojom notebooku Dell:
I am really annoyed with my Dell laptop. When I type, the cursor sometimes jumps because the TrackPoint Mouse Button on the keyboard (the nubby mouse control between the G, H, and B keys) can apparently be used to click. Is there any way to disable it from within Windows?
Existuje jednoduchý spôsob, ako Lucas zakázať funkciu TrackPoint na svojom notebooku Dell?
Príslušníci služby SuperUser Flyk a blaughw majú odpoveď pre nás. Prvýkrát, Flyk:
In the Dell TouchPad driver software, there is an option to disable the TrackPoint and TouchPad. You should be able to get to the TouchPad software as follows:
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Mouse > Dell TouchPad > Device Select > Pointing Stick > Disable
Nasledovala odpoveď od blaughw:
As long as the Dell drivers are installed, there is a hotkey for the TrackPoint and TouchPad that will toggle the available settings. On the Latitude E7440 model, the hotkey is accessed by pressing Fn + F5 (shown here):
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