Čo je fragmentácia disku a stále potrebujem defragmentáciu?


Čo je fragmentácia disku a stále potrebujem defragmentáciu?
Čo je fragmentácia disku a stále potrebujem defragmentáciu?

Video: Čo je fragmentácia disku a stále potrebujem defragmentáciu?

Video: Čo je fragmentácia disku a stále potrebujem defragmentáciu?
Video: Repairing Windows 11-Server 2022 Protected System Files with SFC and DISM: For IT Professionals - YouTube 2024, Smieť
Vyžadujú moderné počítače stále rutinné procedúry defragmentácie, ktoré vyžadujú staršie počítače? Čítajte ďalej, aby ste sa dozvedeli o fragmentácii a aké moderné operačné systémy a systémy súborov robia, aby sa minimalizovali dopady výkonnosti.
Vyžadujú moderné počítače stále rutinné procedúry defragmentácie, ktoré vyžadujú staršie počítače? Čítajte ďalej, aby ste sa dozvedeli o fragmentácii a aké moderné operačné systémy a systémy súborov robia, aby sa minimalizovali dopady výkonnosti.

Dnešná relácia otázok a odpovedí sa k nám dostala s láskavým oddelením od SuperUser, čo je rozdelenie Stack Exchange, zoskupenia webových stránok Otázky a odpovede.


Čítač SuperUser Simon Sheehan je zvedavý o stave defragmentácie v moderných diskoch:

As a part of regular Windows maintenance, I defragment my hard drive. But why does the hard drive fragment on NTFS and FAT* systems? Apparently EXT* does not, why is this? Should I also be defragmenting my USB drives?

Obráťme sa na niektoré odpovede prispievateľa, aby sme preskúmali otázku Šimona.


Príspevok SuperUser Daniel R. Hicks pole otázku:

Fragmentation is not the issue it was 30 years ago. Back then you had hard drives that were scarcely faster than floppies, and processor memory sizes that were minuscule. Now you have very fast drives and large processor memories, and sometimes substantial buffering on the hard drive or in the controller. Plus sector sizes have gotten larger (or files are allocated in larger blocks) so that more data is inherently contiguous.

Operating systems have gotten smarter as well. Whereas DOS 1.x would have fetched each sector from disk as it was referenced, a modern OS is able to see that you have a file open for sequential access and can reasonably predict that you’ll be fetching additional sectors once you’ve consumed those you have now. Thus it can “pre-fetch” the next several (dozen) sectors.

And any more it’s often better to not have a file contiguous. On a (large) system where the file system is spread across multiple drives a file can actually be accessed faster if it is “spread” as well, since multiple disks can be seeking the file simultaneously.

I defragment every 2-3 years, whether my box needs it or not.

[I’ll add that the important thing is not so much whether the data on the disk gets defragmented as whether the free space does. FAT was terrible at this - unless you defragged things kept getting worse and worse until there were no two contiguous blocks of free space. Most other schemes can coalesce free space and allocate pieces in a somewhat “smart” fashion so the fragmentation reaches a certain threshold and then stabilizes, rather than getting worse and worse.]

Journeyman Geek pridáva nasledujúce informácie o súborových systémoch Linux:

ALL file systems fragment. ext and other Linux file systems fragment less due to the way they’re designed – to quote Wikipedia regarding the Linux Network Administrators’ Guide:

Modern Linux filesystem(s) keep fragmentation at a minimum by keeping all blocks in a file close together, even if they can’t be stored in consecutive sectors. Some filesystems, like ext3, effectively allocate the free block that is nearest to other blocks in a file. Therefore it is not necessary to worry about fragmentation in a Linux system.

I’d note though that ext4 has online defragmentation so eventually fragmentation IS an issue, even with Linux file systems.

Windows file systems have their clusters placed wherever there’s space to put them, and defrag runs around and replaces them. With Linux, files are preferentially placed where there’s enough space.

I’d note though, Windows 7 has scheduled defragmentation runs, so it isn’t really necessary to run defrag manually.

Jeden prvok pôvodnej otázky, ktorá nebola riešená, je, či by ste mali defragmentovať flash disk. Defragmentácia je veľmi náročný proces čítacieho a zapisovacieho programu a na polovodičových pamäťových zariadeniach, ako sú flash disky a SSD disky, je potrebné sa im vyhnúť. Ďalšie informácie o defragmentácii, súborových systémoch a SSD nájdete v nasledujúcich článkoch HTG:

  • HTG vysvetľuje: naozaj potrebujete Defrag váš počítač?
  • HTG vysvetľuje: Čo je pevný disk a čo potrebujem vedieť?
  • HTG vysvetľuje: Prečo Linux nepotrebuje defragmentáciu

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