Načítať viac snímok tapety v systéme Windows 7
Rýchla iBook Navigácia cez prst prstom
I’ve gotten pretty comfortable reading books on my iPad (it’s no e-ink screen but it gets the job done). One thing that I’ve always been annoyed by with ebooks is that you can’t easily “flip” from one part of the book to the other. It turns out I was just overlooking a feature in iBook. If you tap the screen to bring up the navigation controls a dotted line appears across the bottom of the screen. Swipe that line and you can “flip” through the book at lightening speed to any page you want.
Zdá sa, že by bolo ľahké prehliadnuť. Máte pravdu, že obrazovky s e-atramentom (podobne ako Kindle) sú pekné, ale nie je ľahké na Kindle jednoducho posúvať z jednej časti knihy do druhej. Vďaka za zdieľanie, Anthony!
Sledovanie cien aplikácií pre iOS
Earlier this year I discovered a service called AppShopper. Prior to AppShopper I felt like I was always just missing great deals on iPhone and iPad apps (like a $5 app I’d had my eye on was on sale for $0.99 but I missed the sale by a day). AppShopper let’s you make wish lists of applications you’d like to buy and then alerts you when the app drops in price. You can even get an actual app for your phone that pushes notifications so you never miss the updates. Since I got the app and started my wishlist on AppShopper I’ve scored piles of apps for free or $0.99 (when the original price was $5+ or more).
I haven’t been able to find a similar service for Android so if you know of one I’d love to hear about it!
AppShopper je skvelý zdroj a aplikácia, ktorá vás udržiava aktualizovaná, je extra bonus. Pokiaľ ide o stránky, ktoré sledujú ceny Androidu, radi by sme našli jeden, aký je AppShopper pre aplikácie pre iOS. Teraz to vyzerá, že najlepšia vec je nová časť zmeny cien v AppBrain. Ktokoľvek iný má dobrý zdroj so systémom Android?
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