Harmonizácia dvojitých systémov zavádzania so symbolickými prepojeniami
I read your article on harmonizing a Windows/Ubuntu dual-boot setup before I bought a Dell laptop that I was planning to install Ubuntu on. However, when it came I discovered that it already had two other partitions beside the Windows one (a recovery partition, and one that displayed a license agreement), so I fit in a common partition. I thought I’d share my solution with you, in case some other Linux users find it helpful.
First, I set the Windows partition to auto-mount when I booted up, for which I used the ntfs-config package from the Software Centre.
Then I tried modifying .config/user-dirs.dirs as you showed in your article, but it didn’t work for some reason, so instead I deleted some of the folders in my home directory and replaced them with symbolic links. For example, after deleting the Documents folder (after checking that it was empty, of course), I launched terminal in my home directory and typed:
ln -sf “/media/OS/Users/Fodaro/Documents” Documents
This created a link to my Windows documents folder in place of the Documents folder in my home directory. So if a program tries to save or open a file at ~/Documents/hello.txt, it will still work, but Linux will direct it to /media/OS/Users/Fodaro/Documents/hello.txt instead. I repeated this process for some other folders in my home directory, like Pictures, Music, Videos etc., so that all of my data can be kept in one place.
Ďakujeme, že ste písali v spoločnosti Fodaro; sme si istí, že iní čitatelia sa ocitli v podobnej situácii a budú mať prospech z vášho tipu.
Aktualizácia firmvéru fotoaparátu spoločnosti Canon
This website has software (the Canon Hack Development Kit)for a multitude of Canon cameras that gives them features such as; RAW, Bracketing, Motion Detection to capture lightning. Best of All its not permanent and free. It goes along well with HDR, Tilt Shift, and RAW photography.
CHDK je jedným z najpresvedčivejších dôvodov, prečo sa rozhodnete pre fotoaparát Canon v porovnaní s inými značkami DSLR. Ak máte fotoaparát Canon, ktorý by ste chceli vytlačiť o niečo viac život / lepšie funkcie z, nemôžeme odporučiť zasiahnuť wiki CHDK dosť. Je úžasné, čo môže urobiť niektorý firmware tretej strany.
Jednoduché čistenie klávesnice
You do not need to download any software to lock you keyboard for cleaning a Windows machine. Hold down the Windows key and press the L key. That will lock you keyboard but allow your mouse to work to unlock it. First turn the keyboard over and jiggle it on the desk top. Hold it up a couple of inches above the desk and drop it. It won’t hurt the key board and will dislodge lots of tiny stuff in between the keys. Then do your wipe down and use the mouse to turn the keyboard back on.
Použili sme trik Win + L predtým, ale upozornili sme vás, že ak dôrazne stierate klávesnicu s alkoholovým stieraním alebo nejakou takou vecou, je možné * vyčistiť správnu kombináciu kľúčov na reštart počítača. Nie, že sme to urobili predtým. Hľadáte hlbšie čistenie? Pozrite sa na náš sprievodca tu.
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