Z Tips Box: Zastavenie Autorun, Android Power Strip a Secure DVD Wiping


Z Tips Box: Zastavenie Autorun, Android Power Strip a Secure DVD Wiping
Z Tips Box: Zastavenie Autorun, Android Power Strip a Secure DVD Wiping

Video: Z Tips Box: Zastavenie Autorun, Android Power Strip a Secure DVD Wiping

Video: Z Tips Box: Zastavenie Autorun, Android Power Strip a Secure DVD Wiping
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Tento týždeň sme odštartovali novú sériu na adrese How-To Geek zameranú na skvelé tipy pre čitateľov. Tento týždeň skúmame skratky Windows, miniaplikácie Android a jasné spôsoby vymazania digitálnych médií.
Tento týždeň sme odštartovali novú sériu na adrese How-To Geek zameranú na skvelé tipy pre čitateľov. Tento týždeň skúmame skratky Windows, miniaplikácie Android a jasné spôsoby vymazania digitálnych médií.

Dočasné zastavenie funkcie Autorun v systéme Windows


Dear How-To Geek,

I’m stuck copying a bunch of data discs at work. Unfortunately the data discs have a stupid autorun flag on them! I can’t change anything on my work computer to toggle off the autorun but I have found a solution to help me get through this pile without losing it. In Windows if you hold down the Shift key while inserting media it temporarily disables the autorun feature-works on disc-based media and USB drives too! I can’t believe I’ve been using Windows for so long and only just found this shortcut.


DVD Copying Drone

Počet skratiek v systéme Windows zjavne rastie exponenciálne pri každej novej verzii! Ďakujeme, že ste zdieľali taký praktický skrat. Ak ste boli doma (a nie obmedzovaní obmedzeniami na vašom pracovnom počítači), môžete tiež natrvalo vypnúť autorun pomocou tejto príručky.

Povolenie ovládania napájania systému Android pre jednoduchú správu Androidu


Dear How-To Geek,

I’m not sure if this is a new Android feature (I recently upgraded my phone and I never recall seeing it on Android 1.6) but it’s incredibly handy. My Android phone has a widget that allows you to control a huge number of phone features with a single bank of buttons. I used to have all sorts of little widgets from the Marketplace but now I can do everything from one location. You can find the widget by holding down on your home screen, selecting Widgets from the popup menu, and then scrolling down until you find Power Control. There you can select all sorts of button options like toggling on your Bluetooth, GPS, Syncing, adjusting the screen brightness, and more. It’s so much handier than digging in settings or using a dozen widgets for the same functionality.


Power Control for Life

Nepremýšľate veci, funkcia Power strip sa najprv objavila v systéme Android 2.1; yay pre upgrady!

Zničenie dát šialeným vedcom Way

Dear How-To Geek,

I don’t often have to destroy disc-based media but when I do… I do it in style! I stumbled on this one largely by accident. I had a couple DVDs with sensitive data on them that needed to be destroyed. I figured since the shiny layer of the DVD is actually metal foil that putting them in the microwave would make short work of them. (I know! I know! I could have just broken them in half like a normal person.) It turns out I was right! It was freaking awesome! I didn’t get a video of it at the time but I did find a bunch of videos on YouTube where people did the same thing. I will issue one warning: don’t do it for more than 4-5 seconds. After about 5 seconds the metal foil heats up and starts melting the plastic and it smells like hell (and probably isn’t good to breathe in).



Z praktického hľadiska je v dlhodobom horizonte pravdepodobne oveľa bezpečnejší skartovač s vstavanou zásuvkou na skartovanie diskov CD / DVD. Z pohľadu geeku však … to je úžasné. Až sa nabudúce máme super tajné špionážne chlap dokumenty nakladať s robíme to, ako ste povedal, štýlovo a ich uvádzanie mimo prevádzku s dieťaťom osvetlenia skrutkami. Ďakujeme za odoslanie videa spolu s vašim tipom!

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