Aký je rozdiel medzi "shutdown / r" a "shutdown / g" v systéme Windows?


Aký je rozdiel medzi "shutdown / r" a "shutdown / g" v systéme Windows?
Aký je rozdiel medzi "shutdown / r" a "shutdown / g" v systéme Windows?

Video: Aký je rozdiel medzi "shutdown / r" a "shutdown / g" v systéme Windows?

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Keď začnete kopať do všetkých možností, ktoré sú k dispozícii v systéme Windows, možno ste prekvapení, čo nájdete. Vezmite si
Keď začnete kopať do všetkých možností, ktoré sú k dispozícii v systéme Windows, možno ste prekvapení, čo nájdete. Vezmite si

shutdown /r


shutdown /g

príkazy, napríklad. Aký je rozdiel medzi nimi? Dnešný príspevok SuperUser Q & A má odpoveď na otázku zvedavého čitateľa.

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Čítač SuperUser gate_engineer chce vedieť, aký je rozdiel medzi vypnutím / vypnutím / shutdown / g v systéme Windows:

I was reading through some of the options for the shutdown command in Windows when I stumbled across the following option descriptions:

I thought that when Windows restarts, every application would be closed during the shutdown process, then started again after the system boots. Some possibilities that come to mind are:
I thought that when Windows restarts, every application would be closed during the shutdown process, then started again after the system boots. Some possibilities that come to mind are:
  • A holdover from previous versions of Windows that performed some type of restart trickery
  • A temporary override of the system configuration’s default behavior

Is it either of these or something completely different?

Aký je rozdiel medzi "shutdown / r" a "shutdown / g" v systéme Windows?


Dodávateľ služby SuperUser DavidPostill má za nás odpoveď:

What is “shutdown /g”?

The /g option will restart applications that are registered for restart with the RegisterApplicationRestart API.

The Windows Restart Manager (introduced in Windows Vista) supports gracefully shutting down and restarting applications that registered for restart with the RegisterApplicationRestart API.

This functionality is used by Windows Update. Thanks to the Restart Manager, when I show up to my desktop computer yawning in the morning (even following a system restart), I have my Outlook, browser, OneNote, Visual Studio, and messenger applications all lined up as they were when I went to bed.

Suppose that you want to initiate “automagically restarting” everything after a restart. As of a few weeks ago, I thought it was necessary to write a small application that uses the Restart Manager APIs (i.e. RmStartSession and RmShutdown) to do this. And then it hit me that the shutdown command must already have support for doing this. And indeed, it has:

shutdown /g

Source: Restart Windows and Restart All Registered Applications: shutdown -g [Microsoft]

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