Chladenie horúceho auta dolu po otvorení a zatvorení dverí
Mark napíše túto techniku vychladnutia:
I know cooling down your car is not exactly a technological tip and probably not your bag (so I don’t mind if you don’t post this) but it’s been so freaking hot I had to send it in. I found this video browsing Reddit the other day and tried it out on my own car. It worked so well! Here’s the trick: when your car is hot from being in the sun you can cool it down by rolling down one window and then, on the opposite side, open and close the car door around a half-dozen times. It pumps cooler air in from outside the car like a big set of bellows. It’s awesome. I couldn’t believe how fast it cooled the car down.
Sme úplne spokojní s tým, že urobíme výnimku z hľadiska toho, aké je to mimoriadne horúco. Rosný bod sa tento týždeň zvýšil tak vysoko na stredozápade USA, že v niektorých častiach Minnesoty je vlhký a vlhký ako Amazon. Všetko, čo ľudia môžu urobiť, aby sa ochladili v horúčave, stojí za to zdieľať! Vďaka Markovi!
Vyhľadávať Google so synonymami
Lots of people know that you can modify your Google search with operators like the + and – symbol to force Google to search for or remove a specific word from the query. Did you know that you can search for synonyms? If you put a tilde (the ~ symbol) in front of a search term it will tell Google to also search for synonyms. The query ~cheap shoes for example gives results as though you had searched for cheap shoes, inexpensive shoes, affordable shoes, etc. It’s really handy when you want to broaden your search results without getting too far away from your original search.
Skvelý tip, Steve! Mysleli sme si, že sme tu ninjovia Google, ale tilda, ktorá núti synonymá vyhľadávať, bola trik, ktorý sme nikdy predtým nepoužili. Pekné nájdenie.
Prejdite prstom nahor pre viac miesta na klávesnici systému Android
I found this by accident while typing furiously on my phone the other day. On my Android phone if I swipe up while using the keyboard the keyboard automatically extends two rows and makes the punctuation and numbers visible. It chews up a little screen space but it makes typing so much easier!
Nie veľa ľudí vie o tejto funkcii Angela. Ak používate systém Android 2.2 alebo novší a používate predvolenú klávesnicu, jednoduché prstovanie vám umožní pracovať s priestrannou klávesnicou. Vďaka za písanie!
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