Prečo je stále ťažké inštalovať OS X na PC?


Prečo je stále ťažké inštalovať OS X na PC?
Prečo je stále ťažké inštalovať OS X na PC?

Video: Prečo je stále ťažké inštalovať OS X na PC?

Video: Prečo je stále ťažké inštalovať OS X na PC?
Video: Customizing Cloud9 and the CS50 IDE by Dan Armendariz - YouTube 2024, Smieť
Počítače Mac prešli na procesory Intel už pred rokmi, ale stále je obrovskou bolesťou hlavy, ktorá by mohla spustiť OS X na PC. Čítajte ďalej, keď prehliadame technické prekážky pri inštalácii operačného systému Apple na PC.
Počítače Mac prešli na procesory Intel už pred rokmi, ale stále je obrovskou bolesťou hlavy, ktorá by mohla spustiť OS X na PC. Čítajte ďalej, keď prehliadame technické prekážky pri inštalácii operačného systému Apple na PC.

Dnešná relácia otázok a odpovedí sa k nám pridelí zdvorilosťou SuperUser - podskupiny Stack Exchange, skupín webových stránok týkajúcich sa otázok a odpovedí.


Čítačka SuperUser Braiam chce vedieť, aké technické prekážky, ktoré bránia bežným používateľom počítača pri inštalácii OS X na svojich počítačoch, sú:

Lets forget about the EULA and any other legal regulation. I’m not interested in those.

Everyone knows that until recently, OS X (or Mac OS) could only be run on PowerPC-based Macs, but that changed when Apple started using Intel’s CPUs, and opened up the possibility of installing OS X on PCs. Again lets forget about legalese, I’m going for factual and technical references. After the switch, users started experimenting until it was possible to install and run OS X on a PC.

Does anyone know why OS X wouldn’t work on a normal person’s PC? Is it some piece of hardware that is custom made or tailored for OS X that only Mac computers have? Or is it just Apple making computer users’ lives difficult on a technical level?

Je to naozaj také zložité, ako sa zdá "hardware-wise" spustiť OS X na PC, alebo sú rozdiely medzi počítačmi Mac a PC menšie (a jednoduchšie), ako väčšina ľudí verí?


Sponzor SuperUser Journeyman Geek má pre nás odpoveď:

Oddly enough? Apple systems check for a specific chip and refuse to run or install without it. This is called the system management controller, and in effect is a glorified fan controller amongst other things. Practically speaking, this is the reason, outside of some other specific things that might be different – such as video card firmware for video cards and OS X specific drivers for various things (sound cards come to mind) that you can’t ‘just’ boot a vanilla copy of OS X right on your beige box pc. Of course, this isn’t that hard to get around, which is why your average OS X hosted VM host can run OS X VMs, and there are Hackintosh distros floating around.

Most Hackintosh install methods these days use variations of boot132, a bootloader that was provided when Apple was transitioning from PPC to Intel with some modifications. The original bootloader was open source, and built with some changes for Darwin. As an aside, there have been some attempts to repackage Darwin as an open source OS.

Apple supports a limited range of hardware you know will work. Otherwise, you’re going to have to scrounge up tested hardware or hack hardware into working. This is what makes running OS X on commodity hardware difficult. The SMC is relatively trivial to get around. Getting your unsupported sound chip (nothing like having your mic stuck at maximum volume on a laptop to ruin your day), video adaptor, and other hardware is the tricky part. If you have an AMD processor, for example, the stock kernel will take one look at it and panic like a mouse ran up its pants. In many cases, the solution ends up being building a new kernel, with patches off Darwin source (which is FOSS) and using that.

In short, the big problem isn’t the magic chip, it is OS X needing to play nice with the entire system.

Ako vidíte, aj keď nemusí byť ľahké získať OS X na počítači, je to možné. Máte záujem stavať svoj vlastný počítač Hackintosh? Potom sa uistite, prečítajte si naše skvelé sprievodcov tu:

The How-To Geek Sprievodca Hackintoshingom - Časť 1: Základy

How-To Geek Sprievodca Hackintoshingom - Časť 2: Inštalácia

The How-To Geek Sprievodca Hackintoshingom - Časť 3: Modernizácia na Lion a Dual-Booting

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